San Franciscans, that’s for sure. And here we find them watching a life-sized redwood log, complete with seven sets of legs! The massive timber float and its detached bits is seen marching itself up 4th and Market in the Shriners Parade of 1932.
The powerful California redwood industry would later be vilified for its greed and environmental destructiveness. But on this warm July 27th, members proudly pilot the giant log with “gams” as it travels through the Union Square district.
The “California Redwood Industry” lettering could not be missed. It may have even reminded some of these parade viewers that they lived in pre-cut “kit houses” made possible by the lumber from these majestic trees.
Back to the Shriners parade, though. Check out that California beer float. I am sensing there is something more to celebrate in the air. (Prohibition would end 6 months after this parade, on December 5, 1933.)