I've always wondered about when Kennedy's Swim Pool and carnival rides were first constructed. I nearly drowned there, trying to…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 4 of 4)
Does anyone have images of styles 376 and 378? Our house looks similar to styles 375 and 378 so we’re…
On California Bungalows in the Mail: When Pacific Ready-Cut Homes Ruled the L.A. Burbs
I lived in the neighborhood near Marshall High School. Van De Camps was our drive-in hangout where we would go…
On Picture This: Van De Kamps Coffee Shop and Drive-in, Atwater Village
I remember these Helms bakery trucks as well as the Good Humer ice cream trucks growing up in the fifties…
On Rolling L.A.’s Helms Bakeries Trucks Out of the Past
I lived in Tujunga Canyon of LA from birth until 4th grade. Is was the best feeling to hear the…
On Rolling L.A.’s Helms Bakeries Trucks Out of the Past
It is good to record and remember the hard work our predecessors did to make Sunland-Tujunga a community rich in…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 2 of 4)
What a wonderful collection of local history! It made this cloudy afternoon delightful, imagining all that happened at Lake Lancaster…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 1 of 4)
Great shots in this new installment, great story. I was looking for Tarzan story and came across this narrative with…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 2 of 4)
Lovely story, I live down on Le Berthon, drive by the site every day, so interesting that it is so…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 1 of 4)
This was a beautiful read. Thank you for writing these articles, even if I am only discovering them 6 years…
On Guest Post: Growing up in the Foothills, Sunland’s Lancaster Lake (part 4 of 4)